$20.49 Movers & Shakers—HERITAGE STORE Castor Oil ⁘ Cayenne - Cold Pressed Organic Castor Oil Pack Wrap - Heat Compress For Abdomen, Joints, Overall .
HERITAGE STORE Castor Oil ⁘ Cayenne - Cold Pressed Organic Castor Oil Pack Wrap - Heat Compress for Abdomen, Joints, Overall — $20.49 Get this deal. • This product is made from cold-pressed organic castor oil and contains cayenne pepper, which are sourced from certified organic farms. • The castor oil is blended with cayenne pepper to create a heat compress that is designed to target pain and inflammation in the abdomen, joints, and overall wellness. • Item hypoallergenic, vegan, and cruelty-free, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or who follow a plant-based diet. • The 8oz bottle is priced at $20. 49, "with a discount available for purchasing multiple units.".. bringing the price down to $51. 37. Highlights: This product has collected a mixed response from conservative users, with some reporting positive results and...